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Psychologist Session

COVID Safe Plan

I hope everyone has been well, and 2022 has started well for you.

I am writing to let you know about the necessary change at Mira Dong Psychology in alignment with The Victorian government's updated policy and guide regarding Victoria's recent COVID PEAK and COVID ACTIVE risk ratings.

Mira Dong Psychology will be moving all scheduled appointments to telehealth (video or phone call) from next week, starting the 10th of January 2022. We will provide Telehealth service only (Phone or video sessions) until further advice. 

Please refer to the below for the details of the Victorian Government's updated COVID safe guidelines (

 As previously mentioned, 

     -Medicare Telehealth Services are being made permanent.

     -The additional 10 COVID Medicare Psychology Services are also available until December 2022.

I hope you understand the continuous changes in our practice. We need to operate under a COVID Safe plan and take necessary steps to protect everyone's safety on this premises, including you, other clients, and the clinic. The ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought everyone different kinds of challenges and hurdles with ongoing adjustment. I believe that we will get through this situation wisely together.

We will update you on any necessary changes if additional local, state, or federal orders or guidelines are published. 

Thank you again for working with us cooperatively during these times.

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